Image: Students collaboratively making a collage in the spring 2019 seminar to capture our thoughts about EcoFeminism. Students and faculty conveners collected materials from the roof top garden of UGA Geography’s building for the activity.
Image: Seminar class meeting on Zoom during Fall 2020.
Image: Class concept mapping activity from one of our 2019 seminar class meetings.
Spring 2023
See our Collectively written syllabus HERE
Spring 2023 was our first in-person seminar since the pandemic! We enjoyed the in-person co-learning environment and focused on Black and Indigenous scholars, especially as they teach us about refusal.
Fall 2020
See our collectively written syllabus Here
Fall 2020 was quite a semester for the Collective as we navigated new personal and professional challenges and having to meet over Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We focused on quality over quantity, and just doing the best we could.
Spring 2019
See our collectively written syllabus here
Members of the 2019 seminar chose to focus on reading books from a range of scholars, activists, and artists on queer and feminist theory this semester. We continued to develop more co-learning strategies and had one class facilitator open our session with a guided meditation (which we hope to do again!). We also used our in-class journaling much more frequently this semester.
Image: Initial group brainstorm for the 2018 seminar’s collectively written Antipode Intervention.
Spring 2018
See our collectively written syllabus For this seminar here
Our first seminar was quite an exciting collective effort. Our readings spanned a wide range of books, journal articles, and other writings on a variety of theoretical approaches. We spent the first few weeks of class collectively writing our syllabus and determining class activities and guiding principals.